Legible FORM 20'

LEGIBLE FORM: Creating Composite FORMS
Modern architecture, which explored the invisible relationships between materiality and immateriality and gave a system to diversity and complexity using the concept of post-structuralism, represented complex systems in the chaos and delays of styles and forms as a multiplicity with a strong emphasis on decentralization. The understanding of this modern architecture is being manifested through various concurrent studies aided by digital technology, and among them, research exploring the constant correlation between form generation and manifestation has been established through the systematization of processes such as self-replication, parametric systems, and algorithm development. Recently, there has been a trend to integrate and utilize most of the research methodologies used in modern society, including machine learning techniques.
Legible Form
The main focus of this course, "Legible Form," is to create forms that can be read, interpreted, and seen as a means of multidimensional communication within the context of the aforementioned trends. The emphasis is on the language of form itself as a key element in achieving this goal.